(i) sign the agreement; or
(ii) furnish the necessary performance security.15. alternative offers
15.1 the tenderer shall submit a basic tender which complies fullywith the requirements of the tender documents. the tenderer may, at hisoption,and in addition to the basic tender, offer tenders incorporatingalternativesto any of the following items now specified:
(a) advance loan for mobilisation
an interest free advance loan will be made available to assist thecontractor before commencing construction of the works. offers may be madefor such a loan of up to ________% of the tender sum. evaluation will bemade of theassociated costs or savings accruing to the employer inaccordance withclause 28.
(b) (written as specific conditions).
15.2 alternatives may be submitted in addition to basic tender. inorder for alternatives to be considered in the process of tenderevaluation, each alternative shall be accompanied by a detailed pricebreakdown indicating the tenderer's estimate of the additional or reducedcost in presentvalue to the employer (refer to subclause 28.3 hereof)compared to the basic tender sum. comparison and evaluation will be donefor the basic offer andalternatives of the lowest evaluated tenderer willbe given due consideration.ifthe alternative offers were to be acceptedby the employer, these will be incorporated into the contract. alternativeoffers which are not priced, or which are not substantiated in sufficientdetail, will be rejected.
15.3 offers of technical alternatives shall be accompanied by allinformation necessary for a complete evaluation, including designcalculations, drawings, method statements and specifications for materialsand workmanship where the alternative is not covered by the specification,together with a breakdown of the alternative prices and the totalalternative contract sum.
15.4 only those alternative offers which appear to provide additionalfinancial, economic or technical benefits over the basic offer will beconsidered by the employer in tender evaluation (refer to clause 28).16. pre-tender meeting
16.1 the tenderer or his official representative is advised to attenda pre-tender meeting which will convene on ______________at ___________ atthe ___________.
16.2 the purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and toanswer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage and toallow tenderers to inspect the site and to examine conditions.
16.3 tenderers are requested to submit any questions in writing or bytelex or telegram, to reach__________ not later than one week before themeeting.
16.4 minutes of the meeting, including copies of the questions raisedandresponses given, will be furnished expeditiously to all thoseattendingthe meeting, and subsequently to all pre-qualified tenderers whohave pickedupthe tender documents. any modification of the tenderdocuments listed in sub-clause 6.1 which may become necessary as a resultof the pre-tender meeting shall be made by the employer or his agent___________ exclusivelythrough the issue of an addendum pursuant toclause 8, and not through the minutes of the pre-tender meeting.17. format and signing of tenders
17.1 the tenderer shall prepare one original and two duplicate copiesof the documents comprising the tender as described in clause 10.1 hereof,bound within the volume 3, and clearly marked "original tender" and"duplicate tender"as appropriate. in the event of any discrepancy betweenthem, the original shall prevail.
17.2 the original and two duplicate copies of the tender shall betyped or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person orpersonsduly authorised to bind the tenderer to the contract. proof ofauthorisation shall be furnished in the form of a written power ofattorney which shall accompany the tender. all pages of the tender whereentries or amendments have been made shall be initialled by the person orpersons signing the tender.
17.3 the complete tender shall be without alterations, interlineationsor erasures, except those to accord with the instructions of any agendaissued,or as necessary to correct errors made by the tenderer, in whichcase such corrections shall be initialled by the person or persons signingthe tender.
17.4 only one tender may be submitted by each tenderer, not includingalternative offers submitted pursuant to clause 15 hereof. no tenderer mayparticipate in the tender of another for the same contract in any relationwhatsoever.18. sealing and marking of tenders
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