《rob sb还是rob sth》主题词:还是,译为,学习资料,原作者,版权,东西
《rob sb还是rob sth》
rob sb还是rob sth
“Did he rob _________?” “No, actually, he cheated _________.”
A. her money, her money B. her of her money, her of her money
C. her money, her of her money D. her of her money, her money
【分析】此题容易按汉语意思误选A,但最佳答案应是B。汉语说“抢某人的东西”,英语不能直译为 rob sb’s things,而说 rob sb of sth;同样地,汉语说“骗某人的东西”,英语也不能直译为 cheat sb’s things,而说 cheat sb of sth。如:
误:The man cheated my watch.
正:The man cheated me of my watch.
误:That man robbed my motorbike.
正:That man robbed me of my motorbike.
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