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莎士比亚英语名言 豁达者长寿

05-10 22:47:26   浏览次数:109  栏目:名言警句
标签:关于读书的名言警句,勤奋的名言警句,http://www.lexue88.com 莎士比亚英语名言 豁达者长寿,

A light heart lives long . 豁达者长寿。

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.宁为聪明的愚夫,不作愚蠢的才子。

Bianguai people suddenly started a gentle love, love when people understand the deterioration of the niggling over。 爱让人变乖 突然间开始温柔了起来,爱让人变坏 懂得了什么时候该耍赖

Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect . 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。

Don’t gild the lily. 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。

I bogged down in a sea of blood back legs, unable to stop, go back, as far as like, people feel that there is no retreat. the future is a marshy area, people got in deeper and deeper 我两腿早陷在血海里,欲罢不能,想回头,就像走到尽头般,叫人心寒,退路是没有了,前途是一片沼泽地,让人越陷越深。

I would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful。 我只想现在认真过的精采 无所谓好与坏。

If you understand the value of love and love you have given me I have to wait for the future。 只要你明白 珍惜爱与被爱 我愿意等待 你给我的未来
,莎士比亚英语名言 豁达者长寿

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