1.机动车辆保险单 no.
policy form of motor insurance 正本 保险单号码: 单位:元
the insured: (original) policy number: in yuang (rmb)
in accordance with the insurance coverage, the motor insurance clauses and additional insurance as well as other special
agreement set forth in this policy, our company will insure the following motor vehicle herunder for the insured.
| | | | | | | 车辆损失险a
| | | | | | | vehicle damage insurance a
| | | | | | |-----------------------
| | | |发动机号 | | 吨位 | 保 险 | | | |
| 序 | 厂牌型号 |发动机号|number |使用 |tonnage | 价 值 | 费率 | |基 本 |
| 号 | model and |plate |of engine |性质 |----|insured value |premium |保险费 |保险费 |
|serial| brand |number |-----|nature| 座位 |-------| rate |premium |basic |
|no. | | |车架号码 |of use|seating | 保 险 | % | |premium |
| | | |number of | |capacity| 金 额 | | | |
| | | |chassis | | |insured amount| | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
|合 计| | | | | | | | | |
| | | |-----| |----|-------| | | |
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