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04-06 15:56:31   浏览次数:511  栏目:历年真题
标签:全国职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试真题,http://www.lexue88.com 职称英语考试真题系列:理工类A级历年真题和答案套二,
  6The reaction of schools has been uniformly enthusiastic.“The pupils benefited enormously from lan’s presentation,”says Dr Johnston,head of the school where Robinson was speaking.“ldeally we should run a regular class in  memory techniques so pupils can pick it up gradually.”
  23.Paragraph 2 _________.
  24.Paragraph 3 _________.
  25.Paragraph 4 _________.
  26.Paragraph 5 _________.
  A.Good results
  B.An ancient skill
  C.Gaining attention
  D.Memory tricks
  E.A lecture on memory techniques
  F.Ways to improve  memory

  27.The memory techniques used are no more complex than the old ____.
  28.Robinson taught children to use“mental journeys”to improve ____.
  29.Robinson told the pupils that all the memory techniques could be found in ____.
  30.The schoolchildren got a lot from the magician’s ____.


  第一篇Trying to Find a Parther
  One of the most striking findings of a recent poll  in the UK is that of the people inbterviewed,one in two believes that it is becoming more difficult to meet someone to start a family with.
  Why are many finding it increasingly difficult to start and sustain intimate relationships?Does modern life really make it harder to fall in love?Or are we making it harder for ourselves?
  It is certainly the case today that contemporary couples benefit in different ways from relationships.Women no longer rely upon partners for economic security or status.A man doesn’t expect his spouse to be  in sole charge of running his household and raising his children.
  But perhaps the knowledge that we can live perfectly well without a partnership means  that it takes much more to persuade people to abandon their independence.
  In theory,finding a partner should be much simpler these days.Only a few generations ago,your choice of soulmate (心上人) was constrained by geography,social convention and family  tradition.Although it was never explicit,many marriages were essentially  arranged.
  Now those barriers have been broken down.You can approach a builder or a brain surgeon  in any bar in any city on any given evening.When the world is your oys www.lexue88.com ter (牡蛎),you surely have a better chance of finding a pearl.
  But it seems that the old conventions have been replaced by an even tighter constraint:the tyranny of choice.
  The expectations of partners are inflated to an unmanageable degree:good looks,impressive salary,kind to grandmother,and right socks.There is no room for error in the first impression.
  We think that a relationship can be perfect.If it isn’t,it is disposable.We work to protect ourselves against future heartache and don’t put in the hard emotional labor needed to build a strong relationship.Of course,this is complicated by realities.The cost of housing and child-rearing creates pressure to have a stable income and career before a life partnership.

  31.What does the recent poll show?
  A.It is getting more difficult for a woman to find her husband.
  B.It is getting increasingly difficult to start a familyl.
  C.It is getting more difficult for a man to find his wife.
  D.It is  getting increasingly difficult to develop an intimate relationship with your spouse.
  32.Which of the following is NOT true about a contemporary married couple?
  A.The wife doesn’t have to raise the children all by herself.
  B.The husband doesn’t have to support the family all by himself.
  C.The wife is no longer the only person to manage the household.
  D.They will receive a large sum of money from the govemment.

  33.Which of the following was NOT a constraint on one’s choice of soulmate in the old days?
  A.The health condition of his or her grandmother.
  B.The geographical environment.
  C.The social convention.
  D.The family tradition.

  34.Which of the following is NOT expected of a partner according to this passage?
  A.Good looks.
  B.An impressive career.
  C.A high salary.
  D.A fine sense  of humor.

  35.The word“sustain”(paragraph 2)could be best replaced by

  第二篇A Very Slow Ride
  The surface of the earth may seem  very stable  to you.But you might be amazed if you knew some of the things that are going on under that surface.
  The earth has an outer shell of rigid pieces called tectonic plates (地壳构造板块).The plates include both ocean floor and dry land.Some have whole continents on top of them.The continents on top of the plates are just going along for a slow ride,moving only about four inches per year.But even this small movement causes three types of big interactions.
  One type is ocean ridges.These ridges develop in places where two plates are moving away from each other.As the plates separate,hot magma(岩浆)flows up to fill the space.New crust(地壳)builds up on the plate boundaries and causes ocean  ridges.These ridges form long mountain ranges,which only rise above the ocean surface in a few places.
  Another type of reaction-trenches-occurs between two plates that ar www.lexue88.com e moving toward each other.As the plates meet,one bends downward and plunges undemeath the other.This forms deep ocean trenches.The Marianas Trench off Guam in the western Pacific Ocean has a depth of more than 36,000 feet.This is the lowest point on the ocean floor.If the leading edges of the two colliding plates carry continents,then the layers of rock in the overriding plate crumple(变皱)and fold.A plate that carried what is now lndia collided with the southern edge of the plate that carried Europe and most of Asia.This caused the Himalayas,the world’s highest mountains.
  The third reaction is transform faults(转换断层).These faults occur where two plates that are traveling in opposite directions slide past each other.Severe earthquakes can occur.The San Andreas Fault in Califomia is a good example of this type of movement.

  36.The word“stable”(paragraph 1)means
  A.“a place for horses”.
  B.“calm and easygoing”.
  C.“steady or firm”.
  D.“a collection of animals”.

  37.To explain the effect of  trenches,the writer gives the example of
  A.the sea floor in the Atlantic Ocean.
  B.the Himalayan Mountains.

  38.The San Andreas Fault is an example of
  A.a severe earthquake.
  B.a California rock formation.
  C.two plates moving apart.
  D.two plates aliding past each other.

  39.According to the passage,the earth is
  A.always changing.
  B.becoming smaller.
  C.moving faster.
  D.getting hotter.

  40.This passage is mostly about
  A.effects of movements of the earth’s plates.
  B.different types of continents.
  C.the Marianas Trench.
  D.transform faults.

  第三篇Mobile Phones:Are They about to Transform Our Lives?
  We love them so much that some of us sleep with them under the pillow,yet we are increasingly concerned that we cannot escape their electronic reach.We use them to convey our most intimate secrets,yet we worry that they are a threat to our privacy.We rely on them more than the lnternet to cope with modern life,yet many of us don’t believe advertisements saying we need more advanced services.

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