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04-06 15:56:25   浏览次数:952  栏目:历年真题
标签:全国职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试试题,职称英语考试真题,http://www.lexue88.com 全国职称英语等级考试综合类C级历年真题和答案精选套一,
  B. The brothers and sisters of legal immigrants.
  C. The parents and grandparents of legal immigrants.
  D. The spouses and young children of legal immigrants
  40 .Which country adopted the point system in 2001?
  A. The US.
  B. The UK.
  C. Canada.
  D. Australia.
  第三篇 Political Spins
  Last week,US White House spokesman Tony Snow sent journalists digging for their dictionaries.He called recent criticism by the former President Bill Clinton“chutzpah”(大胆放肆).With just one sentence,Snow managed to make headlines,a joke and a defense of.President George W Bush.Interestingly, this is how battles are fought and won in US politics—with carefully-worded one—liners(一行字幕新闻)made for TV which often lack substance and clarity(清晰度).
  “The amount of information that candidates attempt to communicate to people is actually geeing smaller and smaller,”said Mark Smith,a political science professor at Cedarville University.This has been accompanied by a changing media environment,Smith said.In 1 968,the average TV or radio sound bite(演讲中的句子或短语)was 48seconds,according to Smith.In 1996,the average sound bite had shrunk(缩短)to 8 seconds.Thus,politicians wanting publicity try to make their public communication as quotable as possible.
  Campaigning politicians also use 30-second TV ads and clever campaign slogans(口号)to boost their messages.Republican presidential candidate John McCain rides to campaign stops in a bus named the” Straight-Talk Express".McCain hopes the name will convince voters he plans to tell people the troth-whether it's in fashion or not.Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton,on the other hand,has chosen the campaign slogan“Let the conversation begin”.She hopes it will help her appear open-minded and friendly.
  But one-liners,TV ads and campaign slogans all have a single key ingredient:something commonly called political“spin”.Brooks Jackson,a former journalist and the current director of the non—partisan(无党派的)website Fact Check.org,calls spin” just a polite word for deception(欺骗)."
  "I do believe that very often politicians believe their own spin,"said Jackson.
  "Strong partisans suffer from a universal human tendency:They ignore the evidence that would force them into the uncomfortable position of having to change their minds and admit that they were wrong。"
  41. Which statement is NOT true of one-liners?
  A. They contain a lot of information。
  B. They are unclear.
  C. They lack substance.
  D. They are carefully constructed.
  42. What changed from 1968 to 19967
  A. Publicity.
  B. Information.
  C. The average sound bite.
  D. Communication.
  43. The campaign slogan” Straight-Talk Express” aims at convincing voters that the presidential candidate is
  A. friendly.
  B. honest.
  C. open.minded.
  D. warm-headed.
  44. According to Brooks Jackson,all campaign slogans are
  A. attractive.
  B. impressive.
  C. informative.
  D. deceptive.
  45. Which statement best describes strong partisans?
  A. They are very funny.
  B. They are very healthy.
  C. They are very stubborn(顽固的).
  D. They are very aggressive
  Bomb Explosions in Thailand
  The new year celebration in Thailand was shattered by violence,when nine bombs exploded across Bangkok amend midnight.Three Thai citizens were killed and more than 30 injured.
  Among the injured,six were foreigners.No Chinese casualties were Chinese Embassy in Bangkok,the capital,said on Mondav. reported,the _______(46)But other embassies have advised their citizens to avoid traveling to Bangkok."There is a possibility of further attacks in coming days,"said a travel advisory(公告)from Australia.
  "Australians are urged to avoid unnecessary travel in Bangkok.”
  No terrorist group claimed responsibility for the bombings by Tuesday _______(47)Bombings and shootings occur almost daily in Thailand's three,southernmost provinces.Yala,Naarathiwat and Battani have a dominant Muslim population and have long complained of neglect(忽视)and discrimination(歧视)in the largely Buddhist(佛教徒的)nation.They have asked for independence and a separate Islamic(伊斯兰的)state.Since 2004,the insurgents(叛乱者)have carried out numerous attacks in the south and more than 1,900 people have been killed________(48)But Thai P rime Minister Sprayed Chuluota said on Monday that domestic politics rather than the Muslim insurgency was behind the bombings."It is likely related to people who lost their political benefits,"Sprayed said,referring to Tasking Chinaware.________(49)Sprayed was later appointed interim(临时的)prime minister Tasking,however still enjoys widespread support,especially in the countryside________(50)Tasking' s lawyer, Napped Patina,denied his client's involvement in the bombings,according to a local website.
  A. Nobody is to blame
  B. Some believe the explosions were the work of Muslim separatists
  C. Some believe that several senior army officers loyal to Tasking plowed the bombings with ousted(赶下台)politicians to discredit(败坏名声)the government.
  D. Tasking was ousted in a military coup(政变)last September
  E. The Thai Government has been unable to control the violence,though thousands of troops have been sent to the south.
  F. The embassy issued no travel warnings
  Sixty years ago.a mannamed Kenneth Arnold saw something that we can sti_________(51)today-somethingthat changed popular culture for everFlying his plane over mountains in the USstate of Washington,he saw a line of strange objects,eithercrescent-shaped(月牙形的)or disc—like,flying the motion of asaucer(碟)skimming(飞速掠过)on water.
  The media soon picked up on the story-theFlying Saucers were earth being________(53)by creatures from another planet?Soon。so were made that the US military began to_______(54).It called theseUFOs—Unidentified Flying Objects,and that is how they are________(52)here! Wasthe many sightings strange objects________(55)todayMilitary investigations foundno evidence of visitors from outer space.But that did not stop thetrue________(56).The military were________(57)up,they said.Or maybe it wasbecause the travelers from space were of such superiorintelligence________(58)they could hide from military analysts(分析家)People havealways seen strange lights in the sky.I n the past these wereexplained________(59)ways.In a world where religion was less influential andscience fiction was popular, signs from God were replaced by visitors fromother_________(60)
  The date of the first UFO sightings was alsosignificant.In 1947,World War II had just ended and the in endless conflictsskies for help.But aliens(外星人)with of science.(61)War was justbeginning.Humanity seemed locked Like generations before them,peoplelooked________(62)the instead of seeking God,they looked for help fromsuper-intelligent________(63)technology.Belief in UFOs became the firstreligion
   However,even people who believe earth.The universe is a big placeand it is in UFOs are not quite sure why they visit the________(64)to assumethat there is life somewhere out there.It is possible that aliens have workedout how to travel through space,Yet some people report that they have been takenby aliens and have had experiments universe to States?conduct medical________(65)on them.Why would anyone travel across half the experiments onpeople living in small towns in the United

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