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03-06 16:56:48   浏览次数:936  栏目:九年级英语教学设计
标签:九年级英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com 南京市建邺区2017年英语中考一模试卷,
th president of the United States. In 1862, he announced the end of slavery. In 1865 Lincoln was shot by Wilkes Booth. Booth hated Lincoln because Lincoln had passed laws freeing the slaves. People remember Lincoln for a great many things. He helped end slavery in the United States. He won the Civil War and kept the United States united. He also gave many speeches and wrote many famous letters. He is also famous because he came from a poor family, but through hard work, became President of the United States.   Abraham Lincoln Childhood Born in a (62) _______ family Interested in playing the (63) _______ and reading. Entry into politics From 1834 to 1840, he was a member of the Illinois (64) _______. Became a successful (65) _______ in 1836. From 1846 to 1849, he worked for the United States government. He spoke (66) _______slavery. From 1849 to 1860, he made a great many of his famous (67) _______. Became President of the US in (68) _______. (69) _______ slavery the next year. Being assassinated(暗杀) and the reason He was (70) _______ by Wilkes Booth in 1865. Booth hated Loncoln because he had passed laws setting slaves (71) _______.   B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡号为72-81的相应位置上。 The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is a new event. Like the Olympic Games, YOG takes place every 4 years. Only players aged between 14 and 18 can take part in it. The first Youth Olympic Games was h  72   in Singapore last year. On February 11th, 2011,Nanjing, the c  73   city of Jiangsu Province, got the right to host the 2014 Youth Olympic Games and will become the s  74   Chinese city to welcome the Olympic flame after the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. The Games will take place in August, 2014, and l  75   12 days. There will be up to 3,600 athletes competing in 26 sports.

www.lexue88.com The theme of YOG is ‘Green Youth Olympic Games, Dynamic Youth Olympic Games, and Cultural Youth Olympic Games.' Green Youth Olympic Games calls on us to p  76  the environment so thatwe can breathe fresh a  77   and show visitors beautiful scenery and give people from other countries a good impression. The government has done a lot for the Youth Games, and we are s  78   that YOG will speed up the developing process of Nanjing. Workers are busy b  79   new roads and new subway lines for the Youth Games. A new Olympic Village and a Youth Olympic Centre are being built in Jianye District, which will be part of the International Youth Olympic City.  People in Nanjing are p  80   of the big event, and their living habits are improving now. They are growing trees to make Nanjing g  81   and more beautiful. They are very excited and looking forward to YOG. They hope the Youth Games will be a big success.   


  h ▲  73 c ▲  74 s ▲  75 l ▲  76 p ▲  77 a ▲  78 s ▲  79 b ▲  80 p ▲  81 g ▲          六、书面表达(满分15)   作为一名即将毕业的初三学生,关于初中生活你一定有一些感想,请你用英语从学习、爱好和生活等方面给初一新生写一封建议信,帮助他们学会合理安排。 注意: 1.词数不少于80。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 2.要求涵盖下例要点、层次清晰、语法正确、上下文连贯,可适当发挥。 3.文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。


  work hard, plan one's time carefully, ... hobbies singing and dancing,  ... life get on well with, helpful, be active in group work, ...   Dear friends,  As a graduating student, I'd like to share my experience in school life with you. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I hope you will enjoy your new school life. Yours sincerely, Nick

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tag: 南京市  英语中考  建邺区  , 九年级英语教学设计,九年级英语教学设计大全,教学设计 - 英语教学设计 - 九年级英语教学设计

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