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Athens 雅典

11-07 14:55:02   浏览次数:486  栏目:英语知识大全
标签:英语知识大全,http://www.lexue88.com Athens 雅典,

    Athens is the capital and largest city of Greece. One of the world's oldest cities, its recorded history alone goes back 3, 000 years. In ancient times, Athens was a powerful Greek city-state, the birthplace of Socrates and the home of Plato and Aristotle's academies. It is often referred to as the "Cradle of Western Civilization" and the birthplace of democracy. To day, evidence of its past can still be seen in the many classical monuments and works of art, as well as in the ruins of the Parthenon and the Acropolis. Athens was the birthplace of the Olympic Games and host of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Athens today plays a major part in the culture and economy of Greece and is a center for archaeological studies and tourism



,Athens 雅典
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