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高二英语Unit 12 period 2教案

11-07 14:56:20   浏览次数:129  栏目:高二英语教学设计
标签:高二英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com 高二英语Unit 12 period 2教案,
    9. Be protected with 用……保护
    10. Begin with以……开始
    11. go through通过
    Step5 Summary
    Filling in the blanks with proper words
    Jules Verne, born in __________in 1828, was the _______of science _________.By ______the scientific developments of his day one step further, he laid the ____________of modern science fiction. In his novels, he brought in the ______ ideas and technical inventions of his day and he also __________how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered __________in his own time.
    He was hoped to be a _______and was sent to Paris to study______as his father wished. While there he showed great interest in the theatre, wrote stories and sold them to make a ________. He spent many hours in libraries studying botany,__________ science and many other subjects.
    One novel, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, begins _______the disappearance of ships. It is believed that it is caused by a sea_________, so Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter set out to find the monster, a ____________.
    Another novel Journey to the Centre of the Earth---talks about the ___________of the centre of the Earth made by the two men by entering the ________through a chimney in a dead volcano.

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,高二英语Unit 12 period 2教案
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