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ATT 美国电话电报公司

11-07 14:55:02   浏览次数:282  栏目:英语知识大全
标签:英语知识大全,http://www.lexue88.com ATT 美国电话电报公司,

    AT&T stands for the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. On March 3, 1885 it became AT&T Corp., one of the world's largest corporations, so that it could handle the expanding long-distance business of American Bell Telephone Company. AT&T created most of the US's long-distance and local telephone networks, and in the process became the world standard of the telecommunications industry. In 1984 pressure from antitrust groups in the United States led AT&T to break up its local telephone networks into 22 regional "operating companies." AT&T continued to be the largest provided of long-distance telephone service in the United States until 1996, when the company chose to divide into three smaller companies. One of those smaller companies kept the name AT&T and continued providing long-distance telecommunications services.



,ATT 美国电话电报公司
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