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Unit 4 We Love Animals 教案

11-07 15:37:14   浏览次数:600  栏目:三年级英语教学设计
标签:三年级英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com Unit 4 We Love Animals 教案,

Teaching steps:


  (1)Sing a song together: “Old MacDonald”(一边唱歌一边拍手)

  (2)Let’s do (P9: I have a…Me too!)

  T: OK, you sing a nice song. Now, let’s do some exercises. Stand up, please. Show me your school things.


  (1)做完let’s do之后,教师举起自己的钢笔说:Look! I have a pen. I have a ruler.请学生用Look! I have a…的句型再次复习文具(group work----个别提问)

  T: Look! I have a pen. Now, tell your partner your school things. I have a…Tell your partner, please.

  (2)点击鼠标屏幕出现一间小屋子,配有dog, cat, duck的叫声,让学生根据声音猜出所要学习的动物。

  T: Look, I have a ruler. I have a pen. I have some school things. Look, this is my house. I also have some animals. Listen and guess what’s in my house.

  出现狗、猫、鸭的叫声,让学生听声音猜动物,学生猜出来之后教读单词:cat, cat, mew, mew, mew.(并做猫的动作);dog, dog, woof, woof, woof(做狗的动作);duck, duck, quack, quack, quack (做鸭子的动作)

  1)dog:四人小组读:dog, dog, woof, woof, woof(做狗的动作)

  T:Show me your dog, please. I have a…有狗图片的同学站起来说:I have a dog.

  2)cat: 各小组开火车读,并做cat的动作,比哪组最快又正确读到最后。

  T:Show me your cat, please. I have a…有猫图片的同学站起来说:I have a cat.

T:Show me your duck, please. I have a…有鸭子图片的同学站起来说:I have a duck.


  (4)通过动物玩具引出单词rabbit, monkey, panda的教学。

  T: In my house, I have a…启发学生说出dog, cat, duck。再引出: I have a box. There are some animals in it. Guess what’s in the box.这时举起盒子

  让学生上来把手伸进盒子猜是什么动物,当学生说出dog, cat, duck要对其进行表扬并加分。当学生说出rabbit, monkey, panda后,逐一进行教学:

  1)rabbit: pass the rabbit.谁拿到rabbit就说rabbit,当老师说“stop”后,拿到该单词的同学就站起来说:rabbit, rabbit, act like a rabbit.并做出兔子的动作。

  2)panda: pass the panda. 谁拿到panda就说panda,当老师说“stop”后,拿到该单词的同学就站起来说:panda, panda, I have a panda.并做出熊猫的动作。

  3)monkey: 比赛哪个组做猴子的动作最象,然后叫个人做猴子的动作

  T: Let’s see which group can act like a monkey.


  (1) Listening practice

  用PowerPoint课件,出现人物及两种动物,听该人物介绍,如:Hi, I’m Mike. Look! I have a duck.学生选择正确图片duck后,图片就会飞向人物,然后继续下一个听力练习。 (要让学生说出动物单词)

  T: I have some animals. My friends also have some animals. Now, let’s listening and choose. Listening carefully.

  (2)Pair work: Who has a monkey/…?

  同桌间练习I have a…的句型,拿起自己的动物玩具或动物图片告诉对方:I have a…

  (3)本课时要学习的六个动物单词卡同时出现并闪动,一两秒钟后屏幕出现animal一词。此时教师说:I have many animals. Can you show the animals’ name?


  (4)Group work: Investigation

  让学生手拿自己的动物玩具或图片,四人小组练习说:Look! I have a…完成表格。(要示范如何在表格里打“ ”)

  T: Take out your blank. Practice in your group. Tell your partners what animals you have. And then tick in the blank.


  5. Homework: Design your own zoo, and then introduce your animals to your friends in English.

,Unit 4 We Love Animals 教案
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