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九年级英语上册Module 8教案2

11-07 15:44:21   浏览次数:414  栏目:九年级英语教学设计
标签:九年级英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com 九年级英语上册Module 8教案2,
    ■Write as they do. (仿写)
    A famous portrait
    Portraits can change the way we think about people. This portrait of Wang Hua was drawn by Ma Liwei on her trip to Datong, her hometown. Even though now we can see many portraits of hers, at that time, people weren't used to seeing portraits like this. It made people think about how small and unimportant the man was and how we need to improve and take care of himself. It has been called the most important descriptive portrait ever drawn. What do you think of?

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