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Unit3 Body language教学设计 人教必修4

11-07 15:44:21   浏览次数:433  栏目:高二英语教学设计
标签:高二英语教学设计大全,http://www.lexue88.com Unit3 Body language教学设计 人教必修4,

Writing steps

  1. Ss do oral composition before they take up the writing.
  2. Ss write their advice.
  3. Ss check their mistakes in the writing.
  4. Ss exchange their writings and check the mistakes.
  5. Ss rewrite their passages.

Step 3. After-writing

Choose some students to read their passages in class.

Step 4. writing task

Ss in pairs finish the writing task on page 68.

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,Unit3 Body language教学设计 人教必修4
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